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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Pruning Government - Prejudice or Prudence

Many people find themselves questioning the reasons for trimming back departments and programs within our government, even attributing it to racism.  While I can understand how they arrive at such an elementary point of view there seems to be a lack of willingness on their part to address the factual reasons WHY such departments and programs should be eliminated... and it has nothing to do with race. Although it might be an easy conclusion to jump to, this question deserves the intellectual thought we should all be capable of, but just may not be prepared to do. 

We have a “top heavy” central government that does take part in socialist and corporatist activities, it would be very difficult to argue otherwise. One might say the unconstitutional and invasive expansion is a necessary evil... but at the very least let's be honest... it is this way.

Although some benefit from this, all, including the beneficiaries pay; either monetarily or with  individual natural rights. This is not a “winning” situation for any of us and those flaws need to be addressed. To begin such a discussion it is vital to set the base structure necessary, that might be lacking, from which to explore the issues before us... so please bear with me.

For those who may not be familiar with Natural Law, although many entire books have been written on its principles and nuances, the beauty is in its simplicity. We are all equal, we might be different and each given to distinct gifts and flaws, yet as human beings none hold a natural position above another. Each born with individual natural rights; intrinsic to our being and although expressed separately as Life (property) and Liberty (pursuit of happiness), they are rooted in a single truth... each one of us holds a sovereign ownership over our personal lives and are responsible to it. The inevitable conclusion one must come to in consideration of this fact is; as no one else owns our lives, we do not own the lives of others and cannot dictate the actions or course of their lives so long as their actions do not infringe upon the ownership and thus natural rights of another. It is through mutual respect and prudence that we should defend the life and liberty of one another... regardless of personal likes or dislikes, racial divides, or moral opinions; as the hand that takes from one, can just as easily reach another. Simply put, we all have preferences and prejudices, which a decent and prudent individual forgoes in their daily interactions, and certainly does not attempt to rule by them, thereby not opening the door for future infringements upon their own lives.

This country was forged under the principles of Natural Law, which the Declaration announced and the Constitution was designed to protect. Yes, man does have a way of being selfish; capable of evil acts and these inherent flaws in human nature have led to many sickening infringements upon individuals and groups throughout our history... not just in this country, but around the world. Often, even in daily life... it is one thing to believe in the moral soundness of an idea... it is another thing altogether to practice it unfailingly.  This is reason enough to ensure that any government no matter how necessary, being made up of flawed individuals, never encroaches into territory that allows it the ability to devolve into tyranny... because as history proves, it always will.

Most of us are typically engaged, to one degree or another, in an effort to protect and defend ourselves and others against the evils of mankind, to that end it is vital that we understand government in itself poses a threat.  Some fear specifics such as racism and intolerance, others fear the broader issue of tyranny; which is inclusive of all infringements to our individual natural rights excreted by both private individuals and the government collective. Knowing these facts, how do we best protect individual lives from inevitable dehumanizing violations? Who is it our rights need the most protection from... our neighbor of limited resources and capability, or our government? Prudence would suggest the latter, yet I know many who miss the dangers inherent in trusting government, as if it isn't a breeding ground; multiplying the flaws of the individuals who comprise it. Patrick Henry said it best, “Show me that age and country where the rights and liberties of the people were placed on the sole chance of their rulers being good men without a consequent loss of liberty! I say that the loss of that dearest privilege has ever followed, with absolute certainty, every such mad attempt.”

It is important to understand a few basic principles: Just because a thing is done, is said to be allowed or good... does not make it so, and just because law is written does not make it so... especially when that law breaks the very law which empowered it to make law. Government only exists by the consent of the governed and is not God, but rather a group of imperfect people who have been charged by the people with a singular task as outlined in the Declaration of Independence: “-That to secure these rights (unalienable), Governments are instituted among Men,-” Our government although perpetually in the act of breaking the very law that was the condition for which it was allowed to exist... continues to act with impunity toward both that law and the sovereignty of the individuals who continue to suffer its existence. 

With these points in mind, let's take a look at some of the basic flaws in this current incarnation of our government.  To maintain ones sovereign ownership over their life means a law cannot be created that will affect them without their consent. In our Constitutional Republic, although wholly inadequate, that consent is to be obtained through a democratic system of voting by which we are then represented.  When departments such as the FDA, IRS, EPA, and DOE issue regulations or rules with the force of law... in essence and action that is law, and those departments and agencies doing such have become governing bodies in which we have no representation and thus have not given our consent; creating a condition that is not only unconstitutional but more importantly usurps our sovereign right to self determination. This single issue alone should be enough to at least spark the ire of any self respecting individual and question the role of government, as not only is this a direct violation of Constitutional Law and infringement of our natural rights, it is a slap in the face to each and every one of us who are taxed so that these violations can continue, which brings me to my next point.

Taxation, none of us like it yet most fail to understand its true nature. As many already know a dedicated and permanent income tax did not exist until the inception of our central private bank... the “federal reserve”, being a private bank it charges interest on every dollar it loans to the federal government for our use, thus a method had to be devised to pay that interest; income tax.  The problem with income tax in general is that in most cases the income that's taxed is derived from work that we do, it is the “fruit of our labor”. It is an exchange of a part of our life, in the form of some kind of labor, for the fruit it provides; real property or money.  To tax labor is to tax life... in essence a part of your life is no longer your own... that time spent in labor is forcibly stolen; the condition of “involuntary servitude”, better known as slavery.  Another form of taxation that results in slavery is property tax, not only has the income one used to purchase that property already been taxed... you are taxed again... every year if you intend to keep possession of that property. If you have the audacity to spend more of that taxed income or your labor to improve that property further, your taxes will be increased. You will perpetually be forced to sacrifice more of your most finite and precious resource, your life, to keep that which you have already purchased or built... if this doesn't sound like tribute to a king for use of their land... nothing does. Property also has the distinction of being a direct result of your labor or that of another... purchased, inherited, gifted, or built... when it is taxed, that is slavery.  There are forms of revenue which can support all the Constitutionally allowed “jobs” our federal government is to do without income and property taxes... but in order to achieve that, the federal government must be pruned back to its lawful size and scope; removing all the unconstitutional departments, agencies, and programs. Eliminating the waste that accompanies such a top heavy existence.

That would lead me to the next point; the social programs which are another form of income theft and then on to the building of empire, the war machine, and corporate interests.  However, I think the basic points have been made and it is not difficult to extrapolate the obvious conclusions.  When one is aware of who and what we are in relation to one another and this government, it becomes blatantly clear; the desire to do away with these departments, agencies, programs, and wars is not based out of racism or some other nefarious ideal, but rather a necessity if we are to reclaim our individual sovereignty and the natural rights associated with it.  A free people cannot exist in unison with a powerful central government... all you will find there (here) are slaves. We cannot have it both ways... one or the other must give; for the last century it has been the people who have been on the chopping block... it is high time we dig around and find our pruning knifes and shears... and begin trimming back this government which, despite its potentially good intentions, has become a beast of tyranny all the same.

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