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Monday, May 2, 2011

My Eye on Liberty

No individual should be forced to choose between forms of liberty... or have no liberty. It is my desire... my vision... and I am certain it is shared by many others... to have my Natural Rights to Life and Liberty respected completely. I should not have to choose between personal liberty or economic liberty... I should have it all... I do not believe in theft of any Natural Right... not of life or liberty... I am human... and thus demand what is mine... my sovereignty. I am to rule... a king... but not over others... only my own life.

I do not need or desire a government to tell me or anyone else what they can or cannot do... as long as I respect the life and liberty of others and do not infringe upon those rights.

I expect the government to be nearly all voluntary... as they should have so little to actually do. I expect them to get any funding needed from donations... or creative approaches like lotteries... or even a multitude of bake sales. The only reason for having any government at all is to ensure our individual natural rights are protected... that includes from them. If we must have a military... let it be a free militia of the people... ready to DEFEND our Natural Rights from aggression. If we must have police... let them be not dedicated to law enforcement... but rather to individual rights enforcement; only becoming involved in our lives if our natural rights to life or liberty are infringed upon.

I expect everyone to respect the Natural Rights of others and not support the infringement of those rights by individuals or a group of them... even if they are called the government.

I believe the "greater good" is served when each person is respected individually... when liberty is the law of the land... most everyone will be happy to live out their lives in peace and harmony... sure a few might be bothersome but for the most part a negligible nuisance... and such is their right. So also is it the right of those who infringe upon others natural rights to reap the harvest from the seed they have sown.

This vision can become technical, but it is for the most part simple... everyone respect everyone else... and their natural rights... we don't need to agree on how we live our lives... only agree to support each others liberty to do so. As there will always be those who do not... some very small and limited form of government is necessary... but its only role should be to protect the natural rights of all; completely blind of the individuals involved... only focused on the rights of each person as equals, ensuring no infringement... and allowing for justice by the individuals harmed... ensuring the justice does not out weigh the harm that was done; as is fitting to the crime.

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