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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Can Ron Paul Win?

From RonPaul.com
That seems to be a question many people are asking, perhaps they would be better off asking "why not?". As the Champion of the Constitution his congressional career has been principled and controversial; he has challenged a childish and unrestrained federal government on issues ranging from war and economics to individual natural rights. 

It shouldn't come as a surprise that the willful political machine is against him; threatened by his polarizing voice of discipline and reason. Thus, in a fight to continue unchecked its corrupt and lawless ways, the propaganda media machine has been cranked up; spinning off questions, pitting one interest group after another against Dr. Paul, hoping to stall his campaign for a return to Constitutional governance.

Will he be supported? The "what ifs" are stifling common sense and too many are falling into the trap of this political game.

For instance, if the evangelical base had to choose between Obama or Ron... who do you think they'd pick? 

As for the primaries... that is another story; it's puzzling how those who profess to be "Christ Like" seem to have a "boner" for war and persecution; perhaps a revival of the Crusades and Witch Hunts would be a big selling point, (find the nearest whore slapping war pimp and sign him up... he'd get lots of lustful support). 

Joking aside, the militant faction of that group will most likely side with a neo-con who will be just as bad as Obushma... doing nothing but growing government, making war, and spiraling up the Debt that goes with those things... all the while finding ways to violate even their  God given rights. The good news is, no single Republican special interest voting block holds the absolute key to a primary win; they might make it more difficult, but as more and more people come to grips with the condition of our nation and realize that a return to the Constitution is the only fix... they will, along with many from other affiliations including Democrats, join with Ron Paul; even switching parties to vote in the primary if necessary.

From NewsOne via The Associated Press
Some are surprised by his stand against the "War on Drugs", he is after all a doctor.  Yet his position is against prohibition, not pro-drugs. He does not believe the federal government is constitutionally allowed to prohibit people from consuming what they please, and he is correct. For those who disagree, take note, that principle also applies to the types of food, drink, medication, natural remedies, and anything else one can imagine consuming.  Thus, it would be wise to reconsider a stand giving government the unconstitutional ability to prohibit consumption... it is apparent where that path leads.

Another question is Ron's position on Israel, yet he isn't against Israel, rather he wants them to be able to do as they please without feeling like they have to go through our government first... and they shouldn't, they are a nation of their own and don't need to be asking Uncle Sam if they can go out and play. True, He is against foreign aid.... and for good reason, one... we simply cannot afford it; we are bankrupt and borrowing ourselves into oblivion. I am confused by peoples lack of intellectual honesty on this point... as if they cannot personally send money or aid if our government does not. Second, foreign aid is what creates that "Uncle Sam", "Daddy USA" mentality and no matter if people want to admit it or not... it is seen as meddling by much of the rest of the world.  

If one takes the time to dig into news sources other than ours here in the states and talk to people from other countries... they'll find that although some look up to us for varied reasons, many others see us as a tyrannical and dangerous nation; trigger happy and always manipulating the rest of the world to suit ourselves; a greedy, hungry, beast... building empire and to hell with anyone who stands in the way of us getting what we want. No matter what one thinks... that does not make for a good neighbor... or a peaceful nation.

Many years ago we stopped being the nation that promoted the principles of a lawful Republic and instead became lawless. Sure we have new laws everyday... but funny how those break the Supreme Law of the Land and many people here either don't get it... or don't care as long as their interest is served; most of which infringe on someones individual rights... but that's OK... as long as it doesn't affect the "ME"... right? Where is the principle in that? That is just selfishness pared with a crass disregard for others. No matter what evangelicals, corporatists, warmongering neo-cons, green socialists, or communists think... it is fundamentally wrong to impose ones personal views on another, especially with the force and threat of law... that is the definition of tyranny. We might as well put up a new sign on Ellis Island... "Despots and Bullies of the World Welcome!" because that is what we have become; a nation of people dispensing and living under tyranny. No longer the nation of liberty and a people who cherish it, but rather a nation along with many of its people... bent on controlling the lives of others to suit their sensibilities and personal interests. 

Readers should know that I am not a Federalist but rather an Anti-Federalist, however, we are currently stuck with the system of government that we have, and if we are to fix the majority of the ills of this nation we must follow the Constitution... which is our supreme law, if people don't like it... let them petition for a Constitutional amendment... but breaking our own supreme law does make us lawless. Ron Paul desires a return to following that law... simple as that.

It doesn't do any good to play the game of politics... the majority of those presented as potential leaders are, with a few points of difference, the same... they will all break or have broken their oath of office and will continue to grow government, our debit, and infringe upon our natural rights. Take off the "team glasses" long enough and one begins to see that beyond all the rhetoric and promises, the end result from our politicians, Democrat or Republican... are the same.

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It is time to break free of the Left vs. Right lie we have been taught and that is perpetuated through the media. The real question is should people be free or controlled? Don't vote according to party, promises, or to pick the winning candidate... that is all a game. Vote based upon the principles that this country was forged from; natural law; powerfully announced and utilized as the basis for independence in the Declaration, and protected  by the Constitution.

The point of having a Constitutional Republic... was to protect the individual natural rights of each person by restraining the size and scope of the federal government and forcing each state to adopt the same basic language contained in the Bill of Rights into their individual State Constitutions. Not widely considered or perhaps even realized, but the "people" of this nation have abandoned these principles and the supreme law which protects them... and we wonder how we wound up in such a mess. 

If the course of our nation is not corrected very soon, we will necessarily find ourselves living in a nation that imploded due to disregard for its own law and a devotion to special interests. No one should be fooled by the spin of happy, and righteous faces attempting to sell them by appealing to something that strikes a personal cord... the politicians and media are salesmen... thus a viewer must be strong and not be swayed, always questioning the motivations, and comparing what is sold to the supreme law of the land and Natural Law.

To sum it up... Ron Paul is currently the only candidate that offers us the option of a return to lawful governance. His voting record proves it... and no one else can make the same claim... or even tries to. All the others serve some special interest, and that isn't a recipe for success but rather continued disaster. People are realizing this and if they quit playing the game, which many are, Ron Paul can win.

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