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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Pillars of Destruction

Short list of the four major issues that are destroying our country and undermine our individual natural rights.

1. The Government having been twisted to become dependent on special interests; personal, domestic, and foreign. Corporations, Banking Cartels, Unions, Law Conglomerates, and other various counsels and groups.

2. The American public for not being better informed and generally ignorant. Current events and News stories are sucked up as truth, no matter the spin or facts. A lack of knowledge about the founding principles of Natural Law... announced in the Declaration and attempted to be protected by the Constitution. A pitiful use of critical thinking. The public can be so asinine when it comes to perpetuating the lies, hatreds, tyranny, and faults associated with political groups, sub-groups, and the government in general.

3. Lack of Respect for each persons Individual Natural Rights from the public, government, and various groups who seem to think it is correct to dictate their religious, moral, social engineering, and other viewpoints along with their preferences and prejudices upon the public at large with the force of law. This is most likely the biggest affront to the principles that forged this nation and is more alike the England our forefathers paid such a high price to escape from and other sick regimes, think Nazi Germany, Soviet Union, Roman Empire, and any other plagues of governance upon mankind who's tyranny ranged from the individual tyranny of prohibitions, thought police, etc., genocide for any reason including nationalism and building empire, to class slavery.

4. False Pride and Blind support... for Political Parties, other groups, ideals, and the nation. This is very dangerous as it is the "game" that perpetuates the mess we are in. Political parties, the nation, and individual special interests are not the "HOME TEAM" to be cheered on no matter if right or wrong. This keeps us at each others throats, perpetuates empire, and breeds tyranny at every level. Although largely resulting from the lack of knowledge and critical thinking mentioned above... it deserves it's own place on this list if for no other reason it is the tool of division used to keep us enslaved and oppressed by the powers that be.

Together these four items are representative of a nation in dire straights.  The path we are on will only lead to more oppression and tyranny, here at home and abroad.  The corruption and social engineering these allow for will bankrupt not just our country but us as individuals. It is imperative that we get back on the track forged for us when this was still a fledgling country and it was considered in everyones best interest to mind their own business and respect each others individual natural rights; so important that the same point of view was DEMANDED of those allowed to govern.  If we as individuals continue to think as mini governments and tyrants... we will continue to get the same from our state and the loss of life, liberty, and property will certainly follow.

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