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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Oath of Office... Forgotten

The Judge tackles issues about "war powers", illegal killing of OBL and Taxes being raised.

It is amazing how so many seem to miss the principles of liberty when it serves their purpose.  President Obama knows what the Constitution authorizes him to do, he only seems to pull that out when he wants it... but disregards it most of the time.  The last many presidents have been cookie cutters when it comes to exceeding their power and growing the size of government; often in different ways but it always degrades our individual natural rights.  It is time for anyone who hasn't realized it yet, that President Obama and President Bush are much more alike than different; they along with many others have forgotten their oath of office.  In my opinion... that should immediately nullify the occupation of their position.

Video from:  http://freedomwatchonfox.com/

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