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Sunday, May 8, 2011

"Conservative" Intellectual Dishonesty attacks Ron Paul

Photo from Politico
What is it about people that they seem to think everyone is too stupid to understand what they are REALLY saying.  I just finished reading an article by Christopher N. Malagisi in the Washington Examiner.

Christopher N. Malagisi
Photo via YCC
In it the author declared that, "The Republican Party as a whole though is based on five fundamental principles – individual freedom, limited government, free markets, a strong national defense, and preserving our traditional values and heritage." Yet through his commentary seems himself to only support the "a strong national defense" part of his statement.  

Is this the kind of "honesty" we can expect from someone who has credentials such as, "the President of the Young Conservatives Coalition, a National Review Institute Washington Fellow, and an Adjunct Professor at American University teaching “The History of the Conservative Movement: 1945-Present" and "Campaigns & Political Activism." ?  It would seem that President Obama is not the only professor who seems to have forgotten all he knows.

His lack of intellectual honesty is astounding.  While stating that 
individual freedom, limited government, and free markets are three of the basic principles underpinning the Republican party he doesn't seem to  support these principles.  In his commentary of Ron Paul he seems taken aback that Ron Paul would suggest Ending the Fed or drug prohibition and bashed his stand for individual natural rights. Through such commentary he plainly suggests that he supports government intrusion into our lives, a police state, private bank controlled currency, big government, and an interventionist policy that is not consistent with "...preserving our traditional values and heritage." 

I'd like to thank Christopher for the clarification... through his double speak he admitted to what most of us already know... the Republican party although at one time considered to be "classically liberal"; has now become the party of big spending corporatism and neo-cons.

Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://washingtonexaminer.com/blogs/opinion-zone/2011/05/ron-paul-wins-democrat-presidential-debate-oh-wait#ixzz1Lm1sBIxX

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