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Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Scope, Size and Funding of Government

Any discussion about the funding for government must begin by asking a few questions; “What are we paying for?”, “What is the proper role of government?”, “Should the government take the power from the people by doing those things which the people can do for themselves?”.

The size and scope of our current incarnation of government has far surpassed its defined roles... at the federal level it has not just broken its chains... it completely disregards often with malice the confines set upon it in the Constitution. The State and local governments have followed suit and have pervasively intruded upon and violate our Natural Rights. Collectively government has outgrown its usefulness and perpetuates itself by continuing to encroach upon “duties” it should not and need not be involved in thereby demanding a perpetually increasing amount of taxation, fines, and fees... all due to its unfounded expansions.

Those who came before us knew very well and were vocal about the tyranny inherent in government and its proper role:

If, from the more wretched parts of the old world, we look at those which are in an advanced stage of improvement, we still find the greedy hand of government thrusting itself into every corner and crevice of industry, and grasping the spoil of the multitude. Invention is continually exercised, to furnish new pretenses for revenues and taxation. It watches prosperity as its prey and permits none to escape without tribute.
Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791

The multiplication of public offices, increase of expense beyond income, growth and entailment of a public debt, are indications soliciting the employment of the pruning knife.
Thomas Jefferson, letter to Spencer Roane, March 9, 1821

To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it.
Thomas Jefferson, letter to Joseph Milligan, April 6, 1816

[A] wise and frugal government... shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government.”
Thomas Jefferson, First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1801

There are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.”
James Madison, speech to the Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 16, 1788

Show me that age and country where the rights and liberties of the people were placed on the sole chance of their rulers being good men without a consequent loss of liberty! I say that the loss of that dearest privilege has ever followed, with absolute certainty, every such mad attempt.” Patrick Henry, speech to the Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 5, 1788

When this confederation and then union was young those who served public office were not professional politicians. Their public work was very limited and they maintained their own work as their livelihood. This was achieved by having an extremely limited government in scope and size. To fund such a government is not a difficult thing to do. Originally accomplished through sales tax on specific items to tariffs which for a time was the only source of federal government funds. Early in our history some States had enacted a form of income tax... but it was only on income derived from property.

In the early years of our country there were very few taxes as the governments did not require much to do the limited jobs that were required of them. It wasn't until the early 1860's that the federal government even imposed an income tax to support the Civil War effort. After a few incarnations the short lived income tax was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1895.

It wasn't until the early 1900's that the bloating federal government in need of more funding would begin to look for ways around the Constitution and began a Corporate Excise tax that was in actuality a Corporate Income tax... ruled constitutional on the grounds that it was an excise tax for the privilege of doing business, the intellectual dishonesty and “games” had begun.

In 1913 the greatest affronts to the principles of Natural Law, utilized as the power behind the Declaration of Independence and protected within the Constitution, occurred as the 16th amendment turned the original Constitutions limits on taxation upside down. Later that same year the birth of a slathering beast; the “Federal Reserve Bank” would to this day change the “need” for an income tax... as it is the primary source for paying the interest debt owed by the federal government to that private bank.

Along with these changes, the building of empire and an increasingly progressive, intrusive, and expansive agenda has caused the scope and thus size of government to grow far beyond its intended and needed use thus necessarily the need for government to feed has followed suit and is just as unfounded as the expansion itself.

With this in mind it is easy to see that we are paying for unfounded, unneeded, and often unconstitutional overreaches of governmental scope which
the people and their private institutions have in the past held the power and ability to provide; a power that rightfully should be returned to the people.

We need not continue to feed this bloated, self important, and self-aggrandizing antagonist of individual natural rights that which it so vehemently demands. We should instead strip it of its overreaches; re-mandating its scope to a manageable size. Shut down all foreign bases (which are unconstitutional) returning our troops home. End: The Federal Reserve Bank; Foreign Aid and Intervention; All unconstitutional departments, legislation, and executive orders of the federal government; Corporate and Individual welfare; and All State departments and purview that violate our individual natural rights and steal power from the people. Programs such as Medicare and Social Security should be gradually ended paying back all monies paid in.

As the public work then needed would be significantly reduced... make nearly all governmental posts voluntary; without pay. For those jobs that might require more than a minimal dedication of time pay them only for days worked on an hourly basis not to exceed the average hourly pay of the people they serve or outsource those jobs when possible to private business.

With such a trimmed down government it would only require a lean diet to maintain easily provided for by lotteries, donations, and if needed specifically voted on sales taxes. This type of funding follows a non-aggressive path and allows the private individual to decide what they will or will not do with the fruit of their labor.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Perception, Reality, and Tyranny.

It has been said that "reality" is based in perception... just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder... so is "reality". The difficulty/devil is
 in the details. 

While digging through history books, congressional records, and the writings of wise people who have come before us... it becomes blatantly clear that our modern version of history; its events, condition of life, principles of human interaction, and governance are widely misunderstood. Of course there are grains of truth in what we are force fed that works to give it all some validity... and each person will view this "information" and form their idea of "reality" often around what fits their expectations and desires but we must realize... in the end there can't actually be a multitude of realities... only perceptions, and much of what is factual is often left behind. 

There is a factual reality... it is however obscured by misinformation, half truths, the spin of agendas, and the individual perception of those who digest it... belief once realized becomes a prison of the mind... it is unfortunately the catalyst for the perpetuation of obfuscation and spreads like a plague through the minds of individuals with similar perception.

Once... I was there and few spoke louder and spread a twisted perception more than I.  Yet... somehow I continued to become more and more unsettled as things just didn't add up. It is a mind wrenching and heart breaking experience to challenge ones own beliefs... yet I was compelled by my desire for knowledge and to understand why things are the way they are when nearly everything I had been taught didn't "jive" with our current condition. It is a journey many people are not willing to take and that is understandable... picking the lock on ones mind and getting past the comfort in denial are hard enough but the difficulty and pain associated with such an undertaking can be so great as to turn one from that path once the journey has begun... and attempt to rest again in the comfort of previously held belief... I know, because that is exactly what happened to me, yet that respite was brief because once the door of the mind is opened... there isn't any intellectually honest way to turn back. The "tickle" in my mind ate away at me as I attempted to live with my preconceived ideas while holding knowledge that more than challenged that belief... it shattered it... I had to move forward.

There is so much misinformation and literal "crap" out there that it is difficult to sift through it all, I had to find a way to separate the chaff from the grain; finally I decided that the "details" were the problem as so much of it is impossible to verify... thus I began at the beginning... and found a solid foundation to start from in the principles of Natural Law as that was the POWER behind the Declaration of Independence and IS the reason, if we realize it or not, that we recognize our Individual Natural Rights. Once I had that firm understanding I began to look at the current conflicts with it as those are easier to verify, I looked for the actions that precipitated those conflicts to find the "grain of truth" as it is easy for words to lie... actions are much more apt to lead in the direction of facts but in instances when that doesn't hold true... I have found it to be very important to look to motivating factors, but in the end, I often let those questions go as simply mysteries I cannot solve. 

To eyes willing to see... it is glaringly obvious that our country and indeed the world we live in is not congruent with Natural Law or with what we have been led to believe. To be honest... in my opinion the first is much more important; how we find ourselves in this position and the falsehoods we have been led to believe are not nearly as important as the condition of respect for our Natural Rights, a perception rooted in Natural Law, and a burning desire to correct the condition of how we experience and enjoy our inherent Natural Rights to Life and Liberty. The rest simply tends to get in the way and works with great effectiveness to keep us at each others throats and divided when it is vitally important for us to be united... to hell with our differences and beliefs rooted in perception... let us recognize that those are "personal" and thus should not be forced upon another... instead we should be united for ourselves and the good of mankind, just as those who came before and sacrificed so much, and demand that once again Natural Law be recognized and that our Individual Natural Rights be respected as "untouchable"; inherent and unalienable. Declare our Independence from Tyranny once again and as many times as we must. 

We need not live with the idea that we must choose between governments, countries, or varying degrees of tyranny... no... instead let us understand that our Individual Natural Rights are already ours... inherent... unalienable... and that no country... no government... no man or group of them... has the RIGHT to infringe upon them. When they do... it is a crime, not against some arbitrary "man-made" law, but against Natural Law, the God of nature, and an act of war against humanity. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Can Ron Paul Win?

From RonPaul.com
That seems to be a question many people are asking, perhaps they would be better off asking "why not?". As the Champion of the Constitution his congressional career has been principled and controversial; he has challenged a childish and unrestrained federal government on issues ranging from war and economics to individual natural rights. 

It shouldn't come as a surprise that the willful political machine is against him; threatened by his polarizing voice of discipline and reason. Thus, in a fight to continue unchecked its corrupt and lawless ways, the propaganda media machine has been cranked up; spinning off questions, pitting one interest group after another against Dr. Paul, hoping to stall his campaign for a return to Constitutional governance.

Will he be supported? The "what ifs" are stifling common sense and too many are falling into the trap of this political game.

For instance, if the evangelical base had to choose between Obama or Ron... who do you think they'd pick? 

As for the primaries... that is another story; it's puzzling how those who profess to be "Christ Like" seem to have a "boner" for war and persecution; perhaps a revival of the Crusades and Witch Hunts would be a big selling point, (find the nearest whore slapping war pimp and sign him up... he'd get lots of lustful support). 

Joking aside, the militant faction of that group will most likely side with a neo-con who will be just as bad as Obushma... doing nothing but growing government, making war, and spiraling up the Debt that goes with those things... all the while finding ways to violate even their  God given rights. The good news is, no single Republican special interest voting block holds the absolute key to a primary win; they might make it more difficult, but as more and more people come to grips with the condition of our nation and realize that a return to the Constitution is the only fix... they will, along with many from other affiliations including Democrats, join with Ron Paul; even switching parties to vote in the primary if necessary.

From NewsOne via The Associated Press
Some are surprised by his stand against the "War on Drugs", he is after all a doctor.  Yet his position is against prohibition, not pro-drugs. He does not believe the federal government is constitutionally allowed to prohibit people from consuming what they please, and he is correct. For those who disagree, take note, that principle also applies to the types of food, drink, medication, natural remedies, and anything else one can imagine consuming.  Thus, it would be wise to reconsider a stand giving government the unconstitutional ability to prohibit consumption... it is apparent where that path leads.

Another question is Ron's position on Israel, yet he isn't against Israel, rather he wants them to be able to do as they please without feeling like they have to go through our government first... and they shouldn't, they are a nation of their own and don't need to be asking Uncle Sam if they can go out and play. True, He is against foreign aid.... and for good reason, one... we simply cannot afford it; we are bankrupt and borrowing ourselves into oblivion. I am confused by peoples lack of intellectual honesty on this point... as if they cannot personally send money or aid if our government does not. Second, foreign aid is what creates that "Uncle Sam", "Daddy USA" mentality and no matter if people want to admit it or not... it is seen as meddling by much of the rest of the world.  

If one takes the time to dig into news sources other than ours here in the states and talk to people from other countries... they'll find that although some look up to us for varied reasons, many others see us as a tyrannical and dangerous nation; trigger happy and always manipulating the rest of the world to suit ourselves; a greedy, hungry, beast... building empire and to hell with anyone who stands in the way of us getting what we want. No matter what one thinks... that does not make for a good neighbor... or a peaceful nation.

Many years ago we stopped being the nation that promoted the principles of a lawful Republic and instead became lawless. Sure we have new laws everyday... but funny how those break the Supreme Law of the Land and many people here either don't get it... or don't care as long as their interest is served; most of which infringe on someones individual rights... but that's OK... as long as it doesn't affect the "ME"... right? Where is the principle in that? That is just selfishness pared with a crass disregard for others. No matter what evangelicals, corporatists, warmongering neo-cons, green socialists, or communists think... it is fundamentally wrong to impose ones personal views on another, especially with the force and threat of law... that is the definition of tyranny. We might as well put up a new sign on Ellis Island... "Despots and Bullies of the World Welcome!" because that is what we have become; a nation of people dispensing and living under tyranny. No longer the nation of liberty and a people who cherish it, but rather a nation along with many of its people... bent on controlling the lives of others to suit their sensibilities and personal interests. 

Readers should know that I am not a Federalist but rather an Anti-Federalist, however, we are currently stuck with the system of government that we have, and if we are to fix the majority of the ills of this nation we must follow the Constitution... which is our supreme law, if people don't like it... let them petition for a Constitutional amendment... but breaking our own supreme law does make us lawless. Ron Paul desires a return to following that law... simple as that.

It doesn't do any good to play the game of politics... the majority of those presented as potential leaders are, with a few points of difference, the same... they will all break or have broken their oath of office and will continue to grow government, our debit, and infringe upon our natural rights. Take off the "team glasses" long enough and one begins to see that beyond all the rhetoric and promises, the end result from our politicians, Democrat or Republican... are the same.

Take the Quiz

It is time to break free of the Left vs. Right lie we have been taught and that is perpetuated through the media. The real question is should people be free or controlled? Don't vote according to party, promises, or to pick the winning candidate... that is all a game. Vote based upon the principles that this country was forged from; natural law; powerfully announced and utilized as the basis for independence in the Declaration, and protected  by the Constitution.

The point of having a Constitutional Republic... was to protect the individual natural rights of each person by restraining the size and scope of the federal government and forcing each state to adopt the same basic language contained in the Bill of Rights into their individual State Constitutions. Not widely considered or perhaps even realized, but the "people" of this nation have abandoned these principles and the supreme law which protects them... and we wonder how we wound up in such a mess. 

If the course of our nation is not corrected very soon, we will necessarily find ourselves living in a nation that imploded due to disregard for its own law and a devotion to special interests. No one should be fooled by the spin of happy, and righteous faces attempting to sell them by appealing to something that strikes a personal cord... the politicians and media are salesmen... thus a viewer must be strong and not be swayed, always questioning the motivations, and comparing what is sold to the supreme law of the land and Natural Law.

To sum it up... Ron Paul is currently the only candidate that offers us the option of a return to lawful governance. His voting record proves it... and no one else can make the same claim... or even tries to. All the others serve some special interest, and that isn't a recipe for success but rather continued disaster. People are realizing this and if they quit playing the game, which many are, Ron Paul can win.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

"Conservative" Intellectual Dishonesty attacks Ron Paul

Photo from Politico
What is it about people that they seem to think everyone is too stupid to understand what they are REALLY saying.  I just finished reading an article by Christopher N. Malagisi in the Washington Examiner.

Christopher N. Malagisi
Photo via YCC
In it the author declared that, "The Republican Party as a whole though is based on five fundamental principles – individual freedom, limited government, free markets, a strong national defense, and preserving our traditional values and heritage." Yet through his commentary seems himself to only support the "a strong national defense" part of his statement.  

Is this the kind of "honesty" we can expect from someone who has credentials such as, "the President of the Young Conservatives Coalition, a National Review Institute Washington Fellow, and an Adjunct Professor at American University teaching “The History of the Conservative Movement: 1945-Present" and "Campaigns & Political Activism." ?  It would seem that President Obama is not the only professor who seems to have forgotten all he knows.

His lack of intellectual honesty is astounding.  While stating that 
individual freedom, limited government, and free markets are three of the basic principles underpinning the Republican party he doesn't seem to  support these principles.  In his commentary of Ron Paul he seems taken aback that Ron Paul would suggest Ending the Fed or drug prohibition and bashed his stand for individual natural rights. Through such commentary he plainly suggests that he supports government intrusion into our lives, a police state, private bank controlled currency, big government, and an interventionist policy that is not consistent with "...preserving our traditional values and heritage." 

I'd like to thank Christopher for the clarification... through his double speak he admitted to what most of us already know... the Republican party although at one time considered to be "classically liberal"; has now become the party of big spending corporatism and neo-cons.

Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://washingtonexaminer.com/blogs/opinion-zone/2011/05/ron-paul-wins-democrat-presidential-debate-oh-wait#ixzz1Lm1sBIxX

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Pillars of Destruction

Short list of the four major issues that are destroying our country and undermine our individual natural rights.

1. The Government having been twisted to become dependent on special interests; personal, domestic, and foreign. Corporations, Banking Cartels, Unions, Law Conglomerates, and other various counsels and groups.

2. The American public for not being better informed and generally ignorant. Current events and News stories are sucked up as truth, no matter the spin or facts. A lack of knowledge about the founding principles of Natural Law... announced in the Declaration and attempted to be protected by the Constitution. A pitiful use of critical thinking. The public can be so asinine when it comes to perpetuating the lies, hatreds, tyranny, and faults associated with political groups, sub-groups, and the government in general.

3. Lack of Respect for each persons Individual Natural Rights from the public, government, and various groups who seem to think it is correct to dictate their religious, moral, social engineering, and other viewpoints along with their preferences and prejudices upon the public at large with the force of law. This is most likely the biggest affront to the principles that forged this nation and is more alike the England our forefathers paid such a high price to escape from and other sick regimes, think Nazi Germany, Soviet Union, Roman Empire, and any other plagues of governance upon mankind who's tyranny ranged from the individual tyranny of prohibitions, thought police, etc., genocide for any reason including nationalism and building empire, to class slavery.

4. False Pride and Blind support... for Political Parties, other groups, ideals, and the nation. This is very dangerous as it is the "game" that perpetuates the mess we are in. Political parties, the nation, and individual special interests are not the "HOME TEAM" to be cheered on no matter if right or wrong. This keeps us at each others throats, perpetuates empire, and breeds tyranny at every level. Although largely resulting from the lack of knowledge and critical thinking mentioned above... it deserves it's own place on this list if for no other reason it is the tool of division used to keep us enslaved and oppressed by the powers that be.

Together these four items are representative of a nation in dire straights.  The path we are on will only lead to more oppression and tyranny, here at home and abroad.  The corruption and social engineering these allow for will bankrupt not just our country but us as individuals. It is imperative that we get back on the track forged for us when this was still a fledgling country and it was considered in everyones best interest to mind their own business and respect each others individual natural rights; so important that the same point of view was DEMANDED of those allowed to govern.  If we as individuals continue to think as mini governments and tyrants... we will continue to get the same from our state and the loss of life, liberty, and property will certainly follow.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Oath of Office... Forgotten

The Judge tackles issues about "war powers", illegal killing of OBL and Taxes being raised.

It is amazing how so many seem to miss the principles of liberty when it serves their purpose.  President Obama knows what the Constitution authorizes him to do, he only seems to pull that out when he wants it... but disregards it most of the time.  The last many presidents have been cookie cutters when it comes to exceeding their power and growing the size of government; often in different ways but it always degrades our individual natural rights.  It is time for anyone who hasn't realized it yet, that President Obama and President Bush are much more alike than different; they along with many others have forgotten their oath of office.  In my opinion... that should immediately nullify the occupation of their position.

Video from:  http://freedomwatchonfox.com/

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Pruning Government - Prejudice or Prudence

Many people find themselves questioning the reasons for trimming back departments and programs within our government, even attributing it to racism.  While I can understand how they arrive at such an elementary point of view there seems to be a lack of willingness on their part to address the factual reasons WHY such departments and programs should be eliminated... and it has nothing to do with race. Although it might be an easy conclusion to jump to, this question deserves the intellectual thought we should all be capable of, but just may not be prepared to do. 

We have a “top heavy” central government that does take part in socialist and corporatist activities, it would be very difficult to argue otherwise. One might say the unconstitutional and invasive expansion is a necessary evil... but at the very least let's be honest... it is this way.

Although some benefit from this, all, including the beneficiaries pay; either monetarily or with  individual natural rights. This is not a “winning” situation for any of us and those flaws need to be addressed. To begin such a discussion it is vital to set the base structure necessary, that might be lacking, from which to explore the issues before us... so please bear with me.

For those who may not be familiar with Natural Law, although many entire books have been written on its principles and nuances, the beauty is in its simplicity. We are all equal, we might be different and each given to distinct gifts and flaws, yet as human beings none hold a natural position above another. Each born with individual natural rights; intrinsic to our being and although expressed separately as Life (property) and Liberty (pursuit of happiness), they are rooted in a single truth... each one of us holds a sovereign ownership over our personal lives and are responsible to it. The inevitable conclusion one must come to in consideration of this fact is; as no one else owns our lives, we do not own the lives of others and cannot dictate the actions or course of their lives so long as their actions do not infringe upon the ownership and thus natural rights of another. It is through mutual respect and prudence that we should defend the life and liberty of one another... regardless of personal likes or dislikes, racial divides, or moral opinions; as the hand that takes from one, can just as easily reach another. Simply put, we all have preferences and prejudices, which a decent and prudent individual forgoes in their daily interactions, and certainly does not attempt to rule by them, thereby not opening the door for future infringements upon their own lives.

This country was forged under the principles of Natural Law, which the Declaration announced and the Constitution was designed to protect. Yes, man does have a way of being selfish; capable of evil acts and these inherent flaws in human nature have led to many sickening infringements upon individuals and groups throughout our history... not just in this country, but around the world. Often, even in daily life... it is one thing to believe in the moral soundness of an idea... it is another thing altogether to practice it unfailingly.  This is reason enough to ensure that any government no matter how necessary, being made up of flawed individuals, never encroaches into territory that allows it the ability to devolve into tyranny... because as history proves, it always will.

Most of us are typically engaged, to one degree or another, in an effort to protect and defend ourselves and others against the evils of mankind, to that end it is vital that we understand government in itself poses a threat.  Some fear specifics such as racism and intolerance, others fear the broader issue of tyranny; which is inclusive of all infringements to our individual natural rights excreted by both private individuals and the government collective. Knowing these facts, how do we best protect individual lives from inevitable dehumanizing violations? Who is it our rights need the most protection from... our neighbor of limited resources and capability, or our government? Prudence would suggest the latter, yet I know many who miss the dangers inherent in trusting government, as if it isn't a breeding ground; multiplying the flaws of the individuals who comprise it. Patrick Henry said it best, “Show me that age and country where the rights and liberties of the people were placed on the sole chance of their rulers being good men without a consequent loss of liberty! I say that the loss of that dearest privilege has ever followed, with absolute certainty, every such mad attempt.”

It is important to understand a few basic principles: Just because a thing is done, is said to be allowed or good... does not make it so, and just because law is written does not make it so... especially when that law breaks the very law which empowered it to make law. Government only exists by the consent of the governed and is not God, but rather a group of imperfect people who have been charged by the people with a singular task as outlined in the Declaration of Independence: “-That to secure these rights (unalienable), Governments are instituted among Men,-” Our government although perpetually in the act of breaking the very law that was the condition for which it was allowed to exist... continues to act with impunity toward both that law and the sovereignty of the individuals who continue to suffer its existence. 

With these points in mind, let's take a look at some of the basic flaws in this current incarnation of our government.  To maintain ones sovereign ownership over their life means a law cannot be created that will affect them without their consent. In our Constitutional Republic, although wholly inadequate, that consent is to be obtained through a democratic system of voting by which we are then represented.  When departments such as the FDA, IRS, EPA, and DOE issue regulations or rules with the force of law... in essence and action that is law, and those departments and agencies doing such have become governing bodies in which we have no representation and thus have not given our consent; creating a condition that is not only unconstitutional but more importantly usurps our sovereign right to self determination. This single issue alone should be enough to at least spark the ire of any self respecting individual and question the role of government, as not only is this a direct violation of Constitutional Law and infringement of our natural rights, it is a slap in the face to each and every one of us who are taxed so that these violations can continue, which brings me to my next point.

Taxation, none of us like it yet most fail to understand its true nature. As many already know a dedicated and permanent income tax did not exist until the inception of our central private bank... the “federal reserve”, being a private bank it charges interest on every dollar it loans to the federal government for our use, thus a method had to be devised to pay that interest; income tax.  The problem with income tax in general is that in most cases the income that's taxed is derived from work that we do, it is the “fruit of our labor”. It is an exchange of a part of our life, in the form of some kind of labor, for the fruit it provides; real property or money.  To tax labor is to tax life... in essence a part of your life is no longer your own... that time spent in labor is forcibly stolen; the condition of “involuntary servitude”, better known as slavery.  Another form of taxation that results in slavery is property tax, not only has the income one used to purchase that property already been taxed... you are taxed again... every year if you intend to keep possession of that property. If you have the audacity to spend more of that taxed income or your labor to improve that property further, your taxes will be increased. You will perpetually be forced to sacrifice more of your most finite and precious resource, your life, to keep that which you have already purchased or built... if this doesn't sound like tribute to a king for use of their land... nothing does. Property also has the distinction of being a direct result of your labor or that of another... purchased, inherited, gifted, or built... when it is taxed, that is slavery.  There are forms of revenue which can support all the Constitutionally allowed “jobs” our federal government is to do without income and property taxes... but in order to achieve that, the federal government must be pruned back to its lawful size and scope; removing all the unconstitutional departments, agencies, and programs. Eliminating the waste that accompanies such a top heavy existence.

That would lead me to the next point; the social programs which are another form of income theft and then on to the building of empire, the war machine, and corporate interests.  However, I think the basic points have been made and it is not difficult to extrapolate the obvious conclusions.  When one is aware of who and what we are in relation to one another and this government, it becomes blatantly clear; the desire to do away with these departments, agencies, programs, and wars is not based out of racism or some other nefarious ideal, but rather a necessity if we are to reclaim our individual sovereignty and the natural rights associated with it.  A free people cannot exist in unison with a powerful central government... all you will find there (here) are slaves. We cannot have it both ways... one or the other must give; for the last century it has been the people who have been on the chopping block... it is high time we dig around and find our pruning knifes and shears... and begin trimming back this government which, despite its potentially good intentions, has become a beast of tyranny all the same.

Monday, May 2, 2011

My Eye on Liberty

No individual should be forced to choose between forms of liberty... or have no liberty. It is my desire... my vision... and I am certain it is shared by many others... to have my Natural Rights to Life and Liberty respected completely. I should not have to choose between personal liberty or economic liberty... I should have it all... I do not believe in theft of any Natural Right... not of life or liberty... I am human... and thus demand what is mine... my sovereignty. I am to rule... a king... but not over others... only my own life.

I do not need or desire a government to tell me or anyone else what they can or cannot do... as long as I respect the life and liberty of others and do not infringe upon those rights.

I expect the government to be nearly all voluntary... as they should have so little to actually do. I expect them to get any funding needed from donations... or creative approaches like lotteries... or even a multitude of bake sales. The only reason for having any government at all is to ensure our individual natural rights are protected... that includes from them. If we must have a military... let it be a free militia of the people... ready to DEFEND our Natural Rights from aggression. If we must have police... let them be not dedicated to law enforcement... but rather to individual rights enforcement; only becoming involved in our lives if our natural rights to life or liberty are infringed upon.

I expect everyone to respect the Natural Rights of others and not support the infringement of those rights by individuals or a group of them... even if they are called the government.

I believe the "greater good" is served when each person is respected individually... when liberty is the law of the land... most everyone will be happy to live out their lives in peace and harmony... sure a few might be bothersome but for the most part a negligible nuisance... and such is their right. So also is it the right of those who infringe upon others natural rights to reap the harvest from the seed they have sown.

This vision can become technical, but it is for the most part simple... everyone respect everyone else... and their natural rights... we don't need to agree on how we live our lives... only agree to support each others liberty to do so. As there will always be those who do not... some very small and limited form of government is necessary... but its only role should be to protect the natural rights of all; completely blind of the individuals involved... only focused on the rights of each person as equals, ensuring no infringement... and allowing for justice by the individuals harmed... ensuring the justice does not out weigh the harm that was done; as is fitting to the crime.